Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Race, Gender, Class and my hatred for Oprah.

I’m not going to go into too much detail. My hatred for Oprah is linked to my hatred for race, class, and gender oppression. These are things that she perpetuates by asking us to ignore them while they are structurally embedded into our social system. Of course, these things don’t really exist; just look at Oprah! I remember seeing a member of Mecha give a talk and he said “Oprah may be doing well but your mom probably isn’t.”

According to Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci, the ruling class in western countries controls the working class through the use of culture. Following Machiavelli, Gramsci thought that the rulers can either control people through consent or by force. Rather than having a police state you can just give the working class something to be happy about, something to do other than organize. It is my feeling that this what Rage Against the Machine meant when they said that there is a thin line between entertainment and war. What does this have to do with Oprah? Oprah is the epitome of ruling class hegemony. Further, She is held up as proof that the US is a meritocracy. Meritocracy is basically the myth that individuals advance in our society by waking up early, working hard, and making to-do lists. The first thing on my to-do list is to be born into a wealthy family. I know, I know, Oprah grew up in poverty and belongs to perhaps the most oppressed section of the population. None of that really matters. Growing up in poverty doesn’t make you any less of a tool for the ruling class. They are pretty good at plucking out those that are useful to them. I’m starting to sound a little too dogmatic so let me bring this to a more personal level.

Is it me or does Oprah see herself as a generous monarch that showers her adoring subjects with gifts to further the illusion that the great, malevolent, Queen Oprah cares about us. I get so enraged when people on the show are like “Oh my god! I am going to get to sit on a couch next to Oprah!” It seems like Oprah says things like, “Because you have been a loyal subject you may sit next to me as I handle the entrails of bad examples alongside the my scrub-clad minister of health; Dr. Oz.”

One thing good that I will say about her is that she represents the liberal wing of the ruling class. She is a cruise missile feminist and has undoubtedly helped Barak Obama’s campaign. (Note: I do not support Obama or any Republicans or Democrats) Despite her progressive credentials Oprah will never do anything to challenge the existing system because she has a stake in maintaining it. She will put a human face on it, but Oprah would never dream of doing anything eliminate oppression, because in my view, doing so would destroy the system that made her.

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